The First Rule of FF Thursday Night Football: You can talk about FF Thursday Night Football, if you want to; or not. It's hosted on Google Blogger, so no one will know what the hell you're talking about anyway.
The Second Rule of FF Thursday Night Throwback: Articles on this site will not talk about things you already know about. OK maybe they will, but the striving goal here is to provide in-depth analysis that you could not readily find on an article on your League's homepage, or in your spam folder from the FF sites that send you daily e-mails.
Yahoo, ESPN, and the hundreds of other sites that provide the same injury and status updates also have a good hold on fantasy football articles that appeal to 10-12 team casual players. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel (with a fraction of those websites' resources), articles on FF TNT will try to provide supplemental information that works in tandem with articles from the big sites. This way we can provide a more full context for fantasy owners making decisions in deeper, more complex, and/or dynasty leagues.
Third Rule of FF Thursday Night Throwback: If someone yells "stop!", goes limp or in general disagrees with anything I write; put it in the comments. I'll be forced to do more research to show why either you or I am right. This is the closest thing I know to sending a FF question into the internet ether and getting a thoughtful and researched answer with data, as opposed to a generic "58% of experts suggest player A over player B." This isn't a dick swinging contest, its more of an attempted 'fangraphs' type of blog, except about the NFL, and shittier.
Fourth Rule: FF TNT article topics will often come from the comments sections of Rotoworld articles. If fantasy owners are asking questions that aren't being answered there, I'll do some research and try to post articles that seem relevant. On the same note, I'll be following posts on the "Fantasy Experts'" twitter pages, answering questions and/or gaining inspiration from there.
Fifth Rule: FF Thursday Night Football WILL NOT ask you to join an e-mail chain, ask you for money, spam your inbox, recommend you for products or services, or use any advertisements on this blog. This is not a money-making side job, and while this site is hosted on Blogger, what it lacks in a 'dot com-ness,' it will attempt to make up for with integrity. I realize you're taking a leap of faith reading this Mission Statement, along with any other post here, and the posts written will not be motivated by financial reasons or article quotas, etc. I'll write as long as it's not a waste of your time or mine.
Sixth Rule: If you think the articles are lacking creativity and originality or they just seem like regurgitated information you could get from a more reputable source, call me out. On the same token, when you agree or disagree with something, add to it, comment on it; use your words, let me know.
Seventh Rule: Articles will take as long as they have to before they're posted. But I'm aiming to post 'em at least once a week, after the Thursday game and before the Sunday games. Check in late Friday, mid-day Saturday.
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